Wedding Bookings.

Please fill in the form with as much detail as possible, this will allow me to get back to you with the correct details for your enquiry.

My bookings for June-December 2025 are not yet open; books will open from June 2024.

If your request is for ‘Bride Only’ please note I do not travel for single appointments Fri-Sun so the appointment will be from my studio in Subiaco.

Please be advised that we are currently in peak season so replies are slower than usual; I will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible. Please feel free to send an additional follow up if your enquiry is urgent.

Note the following dates are already booked:


September - 22nd

October - 5th, 19th, 26th

November - 1st, 8th, 16th, 30th

December - 7th


January - 18th

February - 22nd

March - 28th


Click here for Wedding Price List